Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • 1. Processing a paper takes at least 4—24 weeks (possibly longer) to get a status update. The status of the paper can be viewed on the registered account and will be informed by email.
  • 2. You have read the Author Guidelines (Author Guidelines)
  • 3. The article has never been published in other media and does not contain elements of plagiarism, as evidenced by a statement from the author.
  • 4. It is compulsory to attach the author's declaration letter when submitting the manuscript initially.
  • 5. The manuscript MUST be written according to the provided template using a word processing application (e.g., Microsoft Word, Open Office, etc.) in either DOC or DOCX format. Additionally, the file size should not exceed 1 MB.
  • 6. The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12 points. Titles should be written in 14-point bold font. Maintain single spacing throughout the document. Use A4-sized paper with margins set to 3 cm on all sides (right, left, top, and bottom).
  • 7. The manuscript should consist of 3,000 to 7,500 words, with a maximum of 15 pages, including references and tables.
  • 8. References must be listed alphabetically and sequentially following the APA style, 7th edition. Utilize reference management tools such as Mendeley. Ensure a minimum of 20 references are included, with at least 80% sourced from scholarly journals.
  • 9. The article must not contain more than 10% plagiarism. Please review the plagiarism guidelines at Plagiarism Screening for further information.
  • 10. Willing to pay the publication fee for the article in accordance with the stipulated guidelines. Please refer to Author Publication Charge (APC) for more information on the applicable fees.
  • 11. I acknowledge that the article is subject to rejection if it does not adhere to the provided guidelines.
  • 12. I agree not to withdraw the manuscript after it has been accepted for any reason—whether before completing the administrative process or after completing the publication process. If I choose to withdraw the manuscript after acceptance, I am willing to pay the applicable Article Processing Charge (APC) as per the guidelines and accept being categorized as a blacklist author in the DIGLOSIA journal.
  • 13. I commit to providing an official withdrawal statement (with notary authentication) in the event of withdrawing the manuscript before it is accepted. If I fail to inform the journal about such withdrawal, I am willing to be categorized as a blacklist author in the DIGLOSIA.
  • 14. For articles written in English, it is mandatory to adhere to grammar conventions, and it is preferred if they have undergone proofreading.
  • 15. Please read the instructions on how to submit article manuscripts and complete documents here.

Article template for submissions


General Information

  1. Paper processing typically takes 4—24 weeks (or possibly longer) to reach a status update. Please keep this timeline in mind if you require rapid publication. The editor will issue a Letter of Acceptance (LoA) for the paper once it has been accepted and the authors have submitted the required administrative documents for publication.
  2. The submitted manuscript must not have been previously published in other media and must be free from plagiarism, as evidenced by a statement from the authors.
  3. Each manuscript will be checked for indications of plagiarism using Turnitin. The editor reserves the right to reject manuscripts with more than 15% similarity for initial submissions and more than 10% similarity for final manuscripts intended for publication (Refer to this guideline at http://diglosiaunmul.com/index.php/diglosia/plagiarism).
  4. Authors are required to write the manuscript in either Indonesian or English (US).
  5. Authors must type the manuscript using Times New Roman font, 12pt (title in 14pt and bold; abstract in 11pt), single-spaced, on A4 paper with 3 cm margins. The manuscript length should be between 3,000 and 8,000 words (a maximum of 15 pages). If the manuscript exceeds 15 pages, authors must revise it to meet this limit.
  6. Manuscripts must be prepared using a word processor and saved in DOC or DOCX format, with a maximum file size of 1 MB. If the manuscript includes images, the maximum file size may be adjusted to 2 MB.
  7. Manuscript structure must follow the format and style of the DIGLOSIA journal, as specified in the provided template. The editor will only accept manuscripts that conform to the journal's format.
  8. References must be written alphabetically and sequentially, following the 7th edition of the APA style, and must use the Mendeley application.
  9. Authors are required to submit manuscripts and other files through the OJS system on the DIGLOSIA journal website. The editor does not accept submissions or revisions via email.
  10. Authors must complete any minor or major revisions requested by the editor based on the recommendations of peer reviewers.
  11. For manuscripts written in English, adherence to American English grammar rules is mandatory, and proof of professional proofreading must be provided after the manuscript achieves ACCEPTED status.
  12. Authors will be notified via email regarding the publication or rejection of their manuscript. Rejected manuscripts remain the property of the authors and may be submitted to other journals. Authors are also permitted to resubmit manuscripts after addressing rejection comments.
  13. Communication with the editor during the publication process, including peer-review results, revision notifications, and final decisions, must be conducted solely through the email address: jurnaldiglosiaunmul@gmail.com.
  14. Before submitting a manuscript through the OJS system, authors are advised to read the following instructions: https://diglosiaunmul.com/index.php/diglosia/How_to_submit_a_manuscript.


Writing Guidelines

  1. Authors are required to use either Indonesian or American English and adhere to the provided format when writing their manuscripts.
  2. For manuscripts written in Indonesian, the title must be presented in Indonesian followed by an English translation. Conversely, for manuscripts written in English, the title must be in English followed by an Indonesian translation.
  3. Author identification should comply with the following guidelines: names must be written in full, without abbreviations or academic titles. The order begins with the first author, followed by the second, third, and subsequent authors without any connecting symbols. The authors' country of origin and correspondence address must be stated below their names. If there are multiple authors from different institutions, Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) should be used to indicate affiliations. One author must be designated for email correspondence, and an Orcid ID is mandatory.
  4. ABSTRACTS (ABSTRAK) must be written in both Indonesian and English, with a length of 150–200 words. The abstract should include (1) the purpose, (2) the methodology, and (3) the findings of the study, without using abbreviations or citations. Keywords, consisting of 2–5 words/phrases, must follow the abstract, separated by semicolons, and concluded with a period. Abstracts in English must adhere to American English conventions.
  5. The INTRODUCTION (PENDAHULUAN) should provide the research background, explaining the phenomenon under investigation with support from recent references (published within the last 10 years) and prior related research by the author or others. It should contextualize the research as part of the existing body of knowledge (state of the art). This section should also include the research problem (ideally one specific problem), objectives, and theoretical framework used to address the issue. Subheadings should not be used in the introduction, and the content should not exceed 20% of the entire manuscript body.
  6. The METHOD (METODE) section should clearly and thoroughly describe the research methods, including the specific steps taken during the study. This section should occupy a maximum of 10% of the manuscript body (typically half to one page, depending on the total manuscript length). Subheadings are not necessary; the methodology can be presented in paragraph form.
  7. The FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION (PEMBAHASAN) section should explain the research findings and the issues addressed in the study. It can be divided into subsections, occupying up to 65% of the manuscript. This section should integrate "research findings" and "discussion" into a cohesive narrative rather than presenting them as separate parts.
  8. The CONCLUSION (PENUTUP) should provide answers to the research problem and objectives outlined in the introduction. It may include recommendations or suggestions if applicable, though this is not mandatory. This section should not exceed 5% of the manuscript body.
  9. The REFERENCES (DAFTAR PUSTAKA) must include at least 20 sources. No more than four sources should come from books or book chapters unless these sources are research objects, such as poetry collections, drama scripts, short story collections, or novels, which are exempt from this limitation. References must be primary sources, such as research findings, theories, or concepts published in journal articles or conference proceedings. References should have been published within the last 10 years, except for classic works used in historical studies.
  10. Authors must use the Mendeley reference manager for citations and references. Manual referencing is not allowed. References should follow the 7th edition of the APA style with single spacing.
  11. Tables and figures must conform to the rules outlined in the provided template.


Types of Decisions


Following peer review, the paper is judged not acceptable for publication in DIGLOSIA, and resubmission is impossible. This status is obtained if the script does not match the template, is too high a plagiarism rate, or is not in accordance with the scope of the specified field of study.


The submitted version of the paper is not acceptable and requires major revision, but there is clear potential in work, and DIGLOSIA is prepared to consider a new version. Authors are offered the opportunity to resubmit their paper as a new submission. Concerns will remain regarding the paper's suitability for publication until the authors convince the editors that their paper fits the scope and standards of DIGLOSIA. The resubmitted manuscript will be returned to the original associate editor if possible.


The paper requires changes before a final decision can be made. Authors are asked to modify their manuscript in light of comments received from referees and editors and to submit a new version for consideration within 2—4 weeks of receiving the decision letter. A point-by-point explanation of how comments have been addressed must be supplied with the revised version of the paper. Revisions may undergo further peer review, and papers may undergo more than one round of revision. If the authors do not revise their papers to the editors' satisfaction, the paper can still be declined from publication in DIGLOSIA.


The paper is acceptable for publication, subject to conditions that need to be addressed in producing a final version of the manuscript. These may include sub-editing changes and minor amendments to ensure the paper fully matches our criteria. After final checking in the editorial office, acceptance is confirmed, and the paper is forwarded to the publishers for publication.