Indexing and Abstracting

DIGLOSIA: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya with registered number ISSN 2615-725X (print) and ISSN 2615-8655 (online) have been indexed on: 

  1. DOAJ
  2. SINTA
  3. Crossref 
  4. Garuda
  5. Google Scholar 
  6. Dimensions 
  7. Index Copernicus International 
  9. WorldCat 
  10. Neliti 
  11. Citefactor 
  12. DRJI 
  13. Leiden University Libraries 
  14. Scilit 
  15. Moraref 
  16. Ebsco 
  17. Indonesia One Search 
  18. EuroPub Database 
  19. MIAR
  20. BASE
  21. Paperity